Mostafa Azimi

Attorney at law - Arbitrator

Since 1998 I became attorney at law, and since 2008, I also started teaching law in higher educational level. Since 2014, I officially became arbitrator at Chamber of Commerce.

Ali Azimi

Bachelor of laws

With a lifelong passion in tech, and after dozens of years of experience in the office of notary, I got my bachelor of laws to sit for the bar exam to start practicing law.

Farhad Azimi

Manager at Mellat Insurance Company

Since 2012, I started teaching insurance law and liability insurance. I’m a member of Professional Association of Insurance Industry, and I also teach there. (I also have master of private law)

Mansour Azimi

Attorney at law

Attorney at law, since 2009, by getting 4th rank in country in Central Bar Association’s Exam! In the same, I’ve been successfully accepted in Tehran University for Masters Degree.

Payam Azimi

Attorney at law

Master of Economic Law from Allameh Tabataba’i University. Since 2015 I became attorney at law and focused on prior experience, Contracting!

Hamed Azimi

CEO @ Dadparvar

Since the first days I entered this field (law), I wanted to provide a modern legal service to the world. First step of that service is called Dadparvar!